
Rezultatele Căutării

Afisarea articolelor 1-3(3) pentru indicele czu "342.9:349.41"
Concept and features of administrative coercion measures in administrative and delict relations in the sphere of natural resources use and conservation
CZU : 342.9:349.41
Shynkaruk Oleksandra, Ivanov Philip
Jurnalul juridic national: teorie şi practică
Nr. 1-1(29) / 2018 / ISSN 2345-1130
Reasons for administrative and delict relations: features and classification
CZU : 342.9:349.41
Shynkaruk Oleksandra, Ivanov Philip
Legea şi Viaţa
Nr. 3/2(315) / 2018 / ISSN 2587-4365 /ISSNe 2587-4373
Формы контрольно-надзорной деятельности в сфереземельных отношений
CZU : 342.9:349.415(477)
Пахомов Владимир
Legea şi Viaţa
Nr. 12/2(288) / 2015 / ISSN 2587-4365 /ISSNe 2587-4373
1 - 3 of 3